Odysseys are lore-aligned tales of wandering and hardship.
Another Odyssey sets forth:
Defeat the Hardest Bosses within the Optional Shrines on Final Fantasy I: Dawn of Souls.

Part I
Lost in World A, the Hard Optional Bosses in the Earthgift Shrine and Lifespring Grotto were Challenged. Numerous deaths and Game Overs ensued:
Gameplay Music
Artist: Blood Dwarf
Album: Blood Dwarf
Tracks: I - V
Part II
At last, upon reaching Level 99, the Hardest Optional Bosses from Final Fantasy I were slain.
Neither Items nor a White Mage party member was utilized:
Gameplay Music
Artist: An Old Sad Ghost
Album / Track: Ertrunkene Tote

Internal Resources
Bestiary Entry # 150/194 - Unicorn
Location: Whisperwind Cove between floors B22 - B30
The fabled Unicorn is located on the third iteration of the Flying Fortress map variant in Whisperwind Cove, and is generally accompanied by Duel Knights. Video overview below:
After 15+ hours of diligent hunting without EXP rewards, the Final Fantasy 1 Bestiary is 100% complete. More detailed information on the map iterations within Whisperwind Cove may be found at the below external resource: http://www.finalfantasykingdom.net/1gbabonus4.php