Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.
- Alan Wilson Watts

Concept science fiction story inspired by Lunar Womb from Offenbarung.
A setting in space was chosen:
Object: WISE 0855−0714
Type: Sub-brown Dwarf Star
Galaxy: Milky Way
Constellation: Hydra
System: N/A
This Universe is 800 billion years old now. A time of desperation when starlight energy is rare and must otherwise be nurtured into existence. Few stars dot the galactic horizon leaving a constant reminder of the somber void. Yet, identified within the darkness, the remnants of a long extinguished star system is dreamed to breathe anew. All signs indicate this fertile location may shine again.
The synthetic procedure is initiated. A current of manipulated gravity to tenderly mold the dust. Elements of hydrogen and helium bind and drift into a slow yet invigorated circulation. Starlight across this expanse dissipated eons ago, yet the first traces of old maroon light glimmer in revival. Warm textures coagulate brighter and swell into a magnificent interstellar cloud filling the pane of view.
Behind the dense reddened wall, shadows reflect in the obscured distance. Parting the veil, the field of vision is rout with countless radiant paths all flowing towards a central focal point. Deeper within the cloud, red gas transitions into luminous colors of orange and yellow and then, at the center of the womb, to a pure white.
Here, critically supported by the resounding artificial gravity, the undulating star gently absorbs surrounding nutrients. The orb oscillates waves of familiar light with each osmose of energy. A rare sight to behold; concentrated starlight reflecting within these gaseous corridors and soon into interstellar space.
Gravitational measurements are bypassed to more closely caress the growing star.

The slight change causes a peculiar tremor.
The star's movement wavers irregularly, emanating sporadic rays of light. Another shudder!
Responding immediately, the synthetic gravity is overcompensated and accelerates the intake of the surrounding matter. The incandescence of the star briefly stabilizes but the hydrogen and helium compounds are swiftly consumed. Only traces of amber-hued carbon molecules remain.
Malnourished, the star trembles and inexorably dims. Another failure! The supplemental gravity is halted, dissipating the once shrouded nursery. The grave site stains with a cooling cloud of festered crimson miasma. Despite the low light the star may continue to transmit, its energy is inadequate. This barren ground is abandoned. The search continues to other bleak corners of the limitless darkness.
Left behind is a dull sub-brown dwarf star that will fully extinguish in 100 million years. Never to supernova or become a white dwarf star, it will instead sustain a long dark slumber while all remaining starlight diminishes from this Universe in 100 trillion years. In an unlighted cosmos, a star without light may awake to a new purpose.
Dead but dreaming.
This Universe now knows this place amongst its stars.
Originally written for